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heyy folks ;) nama sayaa Noor Hidayah Bt Kamaruddin, 20 years old, study at Aviation Management College,Bangi. Taking Diploma in Aviation Management. One day i wanna be a pilot ! pray for me. U guys is allowed to read my every entry,peacee yaw :)




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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

okee :)

hello folks ! :DD assalamualaikum :)

arini last day exam aku ! waaaahhhh silonok ini macam woo :D hehe..
summary utk exam aku public speaking+written test,

accounting&finance ;first,public speaking aku HANCOO ! haha. dpt soalan development of accounting. haaa,ternganga kaw kat dpn public mase tuu ! haha. and written for acc susa weyh,acc aku tak balance adeii.. T-T tp siap la sume soalan,tape la da usahakan. ingt final je nti. so,kene bykkan exercise acc ye daya :) chaiyok !

airlaw&regulations ;nyh lagi satuu,susaa ! da name pon law kan. utk P.B aku dpt soalan define the freedom 9 and briefly explain. hah ! mati kutu kat ctu. tp... kite kene ade confident di dpn public,so cool and bajetbajet tau laa . ahhaa and written plak klua soalan WARSAW CONVENTION and CHICAGO CONVENTION........... hah ! amek kaw. dah la tak focus part tuu, aku hanya focus part freedom 9 and article of chicago convention. naseb laa :'( 

airport management ;terbaik dr ladang weyh !! lancar je aku jawab sume soalan public speaking and written test :) **tbetbe rase bangga sbb dpt jawab sume soalan :D haha. btw thx to my lecturer;miss zuliana ,rakanrakan ;kieyra,sarah,atya n others. yeayyyeayyy ! 

airport retailing ;pon terbaikk ! boleh jawab and BERpublic speaking. hehe :DD suke sangat. berharap yg midterm test aku kali nyh succesfull . hehe . yeayyy :DD 

akhirnye tamat laa midterm test aku utk SEM 5 nyh. so tgu utk final exam plakk. masaa cepat la berlalu..... haiisshhh,tak sabar utk final daa. HEBATT ! haha :DD

p/s ;dayaa,kaw kene kuat dlm hidup nyh.
hidup ade mase kat atas dan ade mase kat bawah.
so be strong kayh !
jgn risau,ramai yg selalu ade nan kaw.
biar la org nak ckp ape pon. 
asal kan kaw tak ggu hidup dorgg.
juz be urself ukee :)
cool and relaxx :)

Daya Edayaa

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