- life D.A.YA.
- heyy folks ;) nama sayaa Noor Hidayah Bt Kamaruddin, 20 years old, study at Aviation Management College,Bangi. Taking Diploma in Aviation Management. One day i wanna be a pilot ! pray for me. U guys is allowed to read my every entry,peacee yaw :)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
what goes around,comes around.
assalamualaikum blogger :)
hye peeps....
kali ni post agakmenyentuh jiwa and luahan perasaan.. uikksss
haa,dlm dunia ni bende yg sama akan jadi kat kite kan? tak kire la perkara yg baik ke, buruk ke. same jee. dats why what goes around,comes around. aku bukan la nak ckp aku ni baik ke ape ke, tp mmg itu adat di dunia ni. so beware la wahai kawankawan+blogger sekalian. sentiasa ingt dan fikir ape yg kita nak buat kat org dan fikir ape feedback yg akan kene kat kite blek.
bende ni same thing,no matter la dlm hal relationship ke, friendship ke,family ke or seangkatan dgn nyee. pattern aku kan,if ade org wat jahat kat aku, aku akan diam, tak dendam bagai. buat ape?? aku jugak yg saket hati. so cool sudaa,chill weyhh. kite hidup sekali je. peaceeee :)
so,kepada sesiapa yg pernah buat perkara yg JAHAT kat aku tu, sedar-sedar la diri tuu. kalaw kaw wat bende yg jahat kat orgg,kaw kene blek la weyhh ! INGTTT !
hye peeps....
kali ni post agak
haa,dlm dunia ni bende yg sama akan jadi kat kite kan? tak kire la perkara yg baik ke, buruk ke. same jee. dats why what goes around,comes around. aku bukan la nak ckp aku ni baik ke ape ke, tp mmg itu adat di dunia ni. so beware la wahai kawankawan+blogger sekalian. sentiasa ingt dan fikir ape yg kita nak buat kat org dan fikir ape feedback yg akan kene kat kite blek.
bende ni same thing,no matter la dlm hal relationship ke, friendship ke,family ke or seangkatan dgn nyee. pattern aku kan,if ade org wat jahat kat aku, aku akan diam, tak dendam bagai. buat ape?? aku jugak yg saket hati. so cool sudaa,chill weyhh. kite hidup sekali je. peaceeee :)
so,kepada sesiapa yg pernah buat perkara yg JAHAT kat aku tu, sedar-sedar la diri tuu. kalaw kaw wat bende yg jahat kat orgg,kaw kene blek la weyhh ! INGTTT !
Daya Edayaa ;)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
trip to kuching.
hye peeps :)
aku de goooddd news nak share nak korgg :D
mesti jelezz kan?? hehe. act ini trip clgemate aku. tak penah terlintas pon nak kesana. tbe2 je plan. plan plak yg last min kan,confom menjadi laa :DD . seriousss ! trip nyh sgt best sbb enjoy gilee :) yang survey harga flight sume yaser. dea ckp ade promotion. fer sure korg nak tau bape kan flight ticket.. jenggggjengggg
RM60+tax haaa,murah kannn??? :DD non-expectation rite peeps :) biasalaa,promotion kan. chance yg ade jgn dilepaskann . ngeee :D yaser book ticket 2 week early,tkud tamat tempoh kan. And kiteorg pg sane hari selasa 14022011 :) yg join trip nyh aku,tya,kieyra,saraa,yaser,shahnaz,putra,zikri,dj and zahir. dorg sume badge aku except zahir and putra, tua cket jee so tade la segan sgt kan :) dea pon same masuk air dgn kiteorg HAHA :DD
habis je clas akaun,tros blek umah packpack barang. excited lbey wooo :) hehe,yelaa first time kan :P kiteorg berkumpul kat dpn clge dlm kul 7 lbey sbb kene check in kul 8 lbey and fligh kul 9 lbeylbey :)
otw nak ke KLIA tu bole plak terlepas simpang nak kesanaa. HAHA :D yaser call...
korg kat mane??
haa,kiteorg nga jln2 jup nyh. nti smpi :D hikhik
yeke?? **nada musykil sbb lame sgt tgu :P
iye,yaserr,sabar laa. nti kami sampai..
padahal sesat ntah ke mana tah :D haha
akhirnye smpi juga,setelah u-turn kat plaza tol ape tah nme dea :p
da check in sume,time tgu flight nak ke kuching plakk :) ouhouh,excitedd. kiteorg naek aircraft baru :) boeing 737-800..
best part dea kat wing tuu :) HEBATT !
zik & yaser & stewardess :)
and kiteorg ade plan nak beli baju yg same. Motif?? ingtn dr sarawak :) nak tgk bajunyee?? jenggggg.............
zik & yaser & stewardess :)
dr KLIA ke Kuching International Airport mengambil masa lebih kurang 1 jam lebih.. sebelum airplane takeoff tu,cm biasa laa safety first kan :) seat belt and bagaibagai lagi.. and kene pass by taxiway and runway for takeoff :)
Around 11 kiteorg smpi kat airport Kuching. sementara tgu driver yg kiteorg upah dtg nak pick kiteorg,kami pusing dlu kat airport tuu. bole tahan la jugakk even tak besar KLIA kan :D
Then ade text msg dr zata.. she ask ;
"kaw oke tak? aku de bace post blog and status fb kaw. if de pape btao la aku.
Then ade text msg dr zata.. she ask ;
"kaw oke tak? aku de bace post blog and status fb kaw. if de pape btao la aku.
"aku oke je,biasalaa prob cket je. btw,aku kat kuching nyh, jlnjln :)
"okeoke. wahhhh,bile kaw g? bape ari ? bile blek? duk mne kat sne?
"aku naek flight kul 9 mlm td. esok mlm blek laa :) homestay jee
"fuhhh,mcm overnyte da nyh ! haha .gile kaya kaw doe smpi ke kuching overnyte :P
if aku kaya la kan,bukan takat Kuching aku overnyte, BRUNEI aku pg :DD ahaha.. lps da pusingpusing cm org tade arah kat airport tu,
"okeoke. wahhhh,bile kaw g? bape ari ? bile blek? duk mne kat sne?
"aku naek flight kul 9 mlm td. esok mlm blek laa :) homestay jee
"fuhhh,mcm overnyte da nyh ! haha .gile kaya kaw doe smpi ke kuching overnyte :P
if aku kaya la kan,bukan takat Kuching aku overnyte, BRUNEI aku pg :DD ahaha.. lps da pusingpusing cm org tade arah kat airport tu,
Jam 11 lbey driver a.k.a abg mail dtg amek kiteorg **dlm otak,sume tatau nak pg mne. nak g hotel mmg tak la kan :DD bajet terlebey sudaaa. tibetibe abg mail tu tanye ;
Matang Wildlife's Ticket :)
merekaaa :) **perhatikan yg baju pink tuu,dah la dea sorg je pgg payung,
berkaki ayam utk redah hutan ! hebattt kaw zahir :DD hahaha
ORANG UTAN dibelakang kami....
jambatan gantung di tgh hutan :)
nak pg mane??
emmm,ntah la bang. ingt nak overnyte ke kat town kuching.
tapetape,jum g umah abg. de homestay free !! :DD
walaweyhhh,homestay free ! mane nak dpt cmtuu. HAHA ! suda jimat disitu bole beli+makan bykBYK jup lagi :P haha ! thx abg mail. saya suke BENDE FREE nyh :D haha.
bermalam kat ctu and lepaking nan dorg **great time with them ! happening wookkk :) hehe.
pg-pg lg kiteorg da siap2 nak pusing2 kat kuching tu. abg mail nak bawak kiteorg g MATANG WILDLIFE. tempat nyh lbeih kurang cm Bukit Merah Laketown laa. ade hutan,air sungai,binatang bykbyk :) before uh,kami sarapan dulu :)
da abesmelantak pagi :D ,teruskan perjalanan ke Matang Wildlife :) book bilik,then jln2 kat ctu. smpi2 je kat sane tros ujan,tade la lebat mane tp tak best la if nak jln2 kan. suk hutan plak tuu. tp ape bole buat,kite redahhh aje :D yeaaaa......
putra,zik,zahir,shanaz and dj :)
da abes
Matang Wildlife's Ticket :)
merekaaa :) **perhatikan yg baju pink tuu,dah la dea sorg je pgg payung,
berkaki ayam utk redah hutan ! hebattt kaw zahir :DD hahaha
ORANG UTAN dibelakang kami....
jambatan gantung di tgh hutan :)
bagai kanak-kanak ribenariang :DD
kiteorg wat hutan tu cm kiteorg punye **mmg pon sbb tade org. yelaa,mase tu cuti sehari je plus hujan plak tu kan, sape nak pg kat ctu :) then lepas mndi menikmati mndi sg, dlm kul 12, blek bilik masingmasing, siap2 nak pg waterfront kat town kuching and lunch timee plakk **waktu yg dinanti-nantikan :DD laksa sarawak da memanggil. haha ! first time mkn laksa swak kat umah zata. no wonder la sbb dea pon sarawakian kan :). nak tau rupe nye cmne?? lets check it out.....
haa,ni la laksa sarawak :)
ni plak mee kolok. mkn nan sup. sedappp !
and ini plak ayam penyet. rase cm ayam berempah. sedappp jugakk ! :)
daya,shahnaz :)
para jejaka sekalian.. yaser,putra,zik,zahir,dj :)
and kiteorg ade plan nak beli baju yg same. Motif?? ingtn dr sarawak :) nak tgk bajunyee?? jenggggg.............
...........haa,nyh la dea :) I LOVE KUCHING !! cantik kan??
tau tuu :) hehe
sementara tgu penambang**btol kud eja :D sempat lagi pose :) biasa laa. ouh,btw penambang tu sampan :) |
lastly,lepas round2 kat banda kuching,abg mail bawak kami ke Kilang Kek Lapis. Kek lapis kan famous kat sane :) smpi kat sane tuan empunye kedai layan kiteorg dgn bg makan kek lapis yg berbagai rupa & warna. menarik wooo ! ** smpi rase senak perut mkn kek ni.sumpah byk gile jenis dea..
see,menarik dan bercorak-corak :)
lps da abes part kat kilang k.lapis,abg mail baru kiteorg round bandar kuching and lastly drop kami kat airport kuching. da nak blek kl da.. huu. sedeyyy. even sehari je pg tp cukup seronok,experience,meaningful. lps check in,tgu flight time to departure. Bye sarawak,Hello bangi.
p/s; utk korg: tya,shahnaz,dj,zik,put,yaser,zahir,kieyra,sara
thx sbb jdkan trip nyh meaningful and best.
hope dpt wat lg trip cmni :)
Daya Edayaa :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
more strength !
peopleee :( !
i need more strength. plizzz.
siyesss aku rase down sgt waktu nyh.
i need more strength. plizzz.
siyesss aku rase down sgt waktu nyh.
ya,Allah bg la hamba MU ini kekuatan untk menghadapi dugaan yang akan datangg. Aminn..
tlg laaa,aku tak penah kacaw pon hidup org laen,nape perlu ambil tahu pasal hidup aku??? aku tau ape aku buat,aku tak penah pon nak ambil kesempatan atas org laen. Aku tak penah pon suruh org nyh buat tu, buat nyh... TAK PENAH TAK PENAH !!!! Dont judge the book by its cover+jangan jage tepi kain org,jage hal sendiri dlu. pleasee. aku appreciate sgt if korg buat ape aku cakapkan nyh.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Cityville Secrets is a new Cityville guide that just came out. The author, “Tony ‘T Dub’ Sanders”, is extremely well known. He has previously published walkthroughs on a wide range of Zynga games including Farmville, and so I expected this to be a very good product. I just had a quick look over his the guide and I think it’s pretty good. However, it’s definitely worth checking out though.
Just heard some excellent news from Inside Social Games, who have just reported that Cityville will probably come out later this month. I was surprised to see this. After hearing nothing from Zynga after that rumor developed that they were developing this game (based on a “cityville” forum that was quickly deleted), I figured that it was just a mistake and they weren’t developing it. I assumed that if they were developing the game they would have made it public from the beginning. Instead, they have only just revealed the new game now, when it is very close to being released.
I have high hopes for this game and expect it to do well. While I have not been able to play the demo, judging from some of the screenshots and the descriptions I have read so far, it looks like this is Zynga’s deepest game yet and the graphics are pretty impressive (take a look at this screenshot):
The market has shown that city building games in Facebook are quite popular, and Cityville will now become a direct competitor to other already established titles like Social City. I guess Cityville was also the natural progression for Zynga after having already made a Farmville and Frontierville.
Inside Social Games has described some of the game mechanics for us. You start off with a small city, and have the options of constructing a variety of buildings (houses, businesses, farm plots etc). You make your money off businesses and are able to produce goods through specialty buildings or outside shipments on trains or ships. In addition, there are trade opportunities, the ability to visit friends, decorations and the implementation of quests.
Zynga have also translated the game into Spanish, French, Italian and German, which allows it to reach millions more people. Will this be the game that finally beats Farmville as the most popular Facebook game ever? Time will tell.
Monday, February 7, 2011
a'riff fahimi !
tahniah atas kekalahan chelsea anda semalam :) haha !
diharap bersabar yee :P **muke tension gile semalam sbb kalahh. wuuuu ! :DD
kami ;me,a'riff, and mel heading to JOM LEPAK CAFEE tgk arsenal nye game :) having good time with them even KALAHHH :DD
kami ;me,a'riff, and mel heading to JOM LEPAK CAFEE tgk arsenal nye game :) having good time with them even KALAHHH :DD
yang tersenyum lebar ;
DayaEdayaa :D
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Lovely mum !
happy birthday umi :) yang ke -46..
semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki :)
angah selalu doakan umi supaya sihat selalu,muda selalu :DD hehe.
may god bless you always mum ! i love you so much !
full of hug and kisses from NOOR HIDAYAH BT KAMARUDDIN.
from your daughter,
Noor Hidayah :)
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